Gospel Pathways is funded by donations from people who believe in getting the "good news" (gospel) of Jesus Christ out to the nations. We are a 501 (c) 3 , non-profit organization which means that all gifts and donations will be tax-deductible for the giver. Please know that 100% of your gift will go toward funding the missionary work on the ground - we set no assessment fees on giving. We are able to do this because our administrative staff are volunteers. If you would like to give a financial donation to assist in spreading the message about what God has done for us in Jesus then please contact us for details of how to do that or use one of the following methods to give a one-time donation or any given recurring amount you designate (e.g. $25, $50 or $100 per month):
How To Give
By Check:
Gospel Pathways c/o Finance Dept. |
By PayPal or Credit Card:*Note: a paypal account is not needed to donate through paypal. You may donate through PayPal or by Debit/Credit Card using Paypal secure servers (note: you do not need a PayPal account to donate via PayPal using a credit/debit card). One-time or recurring donations may be sent:
Thank you for your consideration. If you have any questions then please contact us. You may want to sign up for our monthly newsletter.